13 Days!!

It’s your Christmas!!
March to the beat of your own little drummer boy!!!
13 days until Christmas!
People celebrate Christmas in many different ways.  Some have large gatherings with family and friends.
Some have a quiet day at home with their families.
Some go to the movies!
Some just enjoy the day off from work relaxing at home.
Some are lonely.
If you notice someone who looks as though they may be struggling this season, extend some kindness.
See if there might be something you can do for them during this time of year.
For some, this is NOT the most wonderful time of the year.
Be aware of others and help where you can.
Your “gift” of attention, a listening ear, a hug or just a smile, may be the most important gift you give this season.
Happy Christmas!  Have a lovely day!

Christmas-14 days out!

Good Monday Morning!
I’d like to apologize for my lack of Positive/Peaceful Thoughts last week.
It was an especially busy week for me and I wasn’t feeling 100%.
I’m at about 97% now so I hope this week will be much better.
14 days until Christmas.  It’s starting to get “real!”
I have noticed that we have not received any Christmas cards as of yet. That, to me, seems unusual. Perhaps Christmas cards are becoming a thing of the past.
Granted, I haven’t got mine in the mail yet either, however my list is at the ready, stamps are purchased and my annual letter is composed.  I’m just waiting for the cards we ordered to arrive in the mail.
We finished, I think, the last of our shopping today, aside from the buying of lottery tickets, which is a thing our family does!  I think we one a total of $22 one year!!  YAY US!!
Last week, began my Christmas season. We have had our decorations up for a little while and I have watched many animated Christmas shows and I have wrapped a few presents, but it really began last week.
We had our Holiday Performers show for SOAR and I’m not gonna lie…it was AWESOME!!!  Even at dress rehearsal the night before, we had our doubts whether it would come together.  Actually, we knew it would, it always does, we just weren’t prepared for how great it would turn out.  I’m so proud of our participants, staff and volunteers.  They really brought their “A” game and it turned out great!
Thursday, I worked the Community Band Christmas Concert, another event that really sets the Christmas Mood. 
Friday night was the Holiday Dance and if you know me, I LOVE TO DANCE!!!  I may not be the best dancer in the world, but I have a great time!!  I can usually get the DJ to play a special song for me.  Friday I choose “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree!”  Still timely and a real toe-tapper!!  Did I mention I LOVE TO DANCE??!!
Saturday, we went to Gridley for the ChristKrindl Market and that night we did a Murder Mystery Cruise on the Spirit of Peoria.  We solved the murder by the way!!!
Sunday, we drove to Ottawa for another Christmas Market, complete with live reindeer and warm wine with spices.  We stopped at Buffalo Rock State Park and Starved Rock before heading home to finish our Christmas shopping list.
This week brings more Christmas frivolity!  Movies at the Normal Theater Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Sunday Afternoon!!  Baking with my family.  A Christmas party. And beginning the clean-up for company!!
While it seems that I am wrapped up, no pun intended, in all of the stuff to do, please understand that I have NOT lost sight of what’s important.  My movie night Wednesday is to see “It’s a Wonderful Life” with Larry, Bailey and Lauren.  This is a tradition that we started long ago as a family.  For whatever reason, this film had a tremendous impact on me.  From my email address to the name of my son, the movie is always at the back of my mind…”What would George Bailey do?”  How can I help someone else along the way?  How can I be a better human?  How can we defeat the Mr. Potter’s of the world?
It comes to this…love, kindness and helping our fellow humans as best we can.
It’s all we can do.  It’s the best we can do.
This Christmas season, don’t lose sight of what’s really important, each other.
Have a lovely Monday.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!

Reach Out

“The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have a potential to turn a life around. It’s overwhelming to consider the continuous opportunities there are to make our love felt.”
― Leo Buscaglia

I have posted part of the above quote before.  It’s just so darned good!!

Reach out and touch, somebody’s hand, make this world a better place if you can.

Have a wonderful day.

Thank You Note to Summer

Dear Summer,

Thank you.

Thank you for the constant joy you gave us.

Thank you for the adventures.

Thank you for the extra time to do things we normally wouldn’t have time to do.

Thank you for the free music that we were given. Local musicians playing for the enjoyment of anyone who wanted to give a listen.  Some we enjoyed and some we didn’t stay long for and that’s okay.  It was the experience.

Thank you for the train trips.  Two to Chicago, one to the Lincoln Park Zoo and another to take the Chicago Architectural River Tour and visit the Museum of Broadcast Communication, the Saturday Night Live exhibit.

Another train trip took us to St. Louis where we were picked up by good friends who took us to the St. Louis Zoo.  

Thank you for the time spent with my parents.

Thank you for the time we spent having coffee outside of the Coffee House.  Sitting, sipping, enjoying the day and watching people and dogs go by.

Thank you for the sunflowers.  Our crop wasn’t very good this year but others were!

Thank you for the many wonderful times spent with friends.  Breakfast and lunch dates, an evening spent talking into the wee hours of the morning, an afternoon on a boat on a lake.

Thank you for the Malibu Rum and Coke with lime drinks and beers that quenched our thirst on many an afternoon.

Thank you for the wonderful days spent at the pool.  Days filled with sunshine, sunscreen, and refreshing water.  Days spent walking in the water, treading water and just floating.  Watching as the sun sparkled off the surface of the water.  Looking toward the sky, discovering what shapes the puffy clouds would reveal or if they were content to be light and whispy like a whisper. Watching the sunset and catching that magical light that only late day sunlight can give, (see the “golden” selfie below.)

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to re-discover my love of diving!  On the last day at the pool, I decided it would be a good idea to dive!  What a blast! See photographic evidence below!!

Summer, I am grateful to you.  You gave us many great adventures and many lovely memories. 

Only 289 days until we meet again.

Thanks again!

Good Vibes

Good Morning!

Welcome to your Monday!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

I spent the weekend with my parents and yesterday afternoon with the rest of my family celebrating some birthdays.

I did some jobs for my parents, took my mom grocery shopping, supported my friends’ brothers bakery and thanks to my parents’ cable subscription, I was able to binge watch the Real Housewives of New York City! (Don’t judge me!!!)  I got home in time yesterday to get to the pool with Larry for a half hour before it closed!! 

I’m sending you some good vibes for your morning and your week.

I hope good things happen for you.

Embrace the vibes!


Look for Good

“When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.”

~Martin Walsh

This is something that I try very hard to do.

With some people, it is NOT so easy.

Everybody has a past.

Everybody has a story that we will never know.

We think we know our friends, but they only reveal what they want us to know or what they think we need to know.

That’s okay.  People give what they are comfortable giving.

I don’t mind this arrangement with other humans. 

I don’t want or need to know everything there is to know.

I don’t tell everyone everything about myself.

What I have discovered over my lifetime is to look for the good and to be kind.

It works for me, maybe it will work for you! 

I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

My Backyard

Oh, what a beautiful morning.

Oh, what a beautiful day.

I’ve got a beautiful feeling,

Everything’s going my way!

If that took you to Oklahoma, thanks for playing and being old enough to catch the reference!

I’m taking the opportunity this morning to sit on my back porch in my “screen room.”

The heat this morning was NOT oppressive when I let the dogs out and seized the opportunity and the day!!

It is really gorgeous out here.  

There is just enough wind to make the chimes play and my swinging gnome is, well, he’s swinging!! 

To those of you whose mind went in a different direction, I applaud you, but get your mind out of the gutter!!

I haven’t been able to sit out here for a while because it has not been pleasant with the heat we’ve been experiencing.

Today I am in heaven!!

Looking out into our backyard, I think of how fortunate we are and how much joy this backyard has given us in the 20+ years we have lived here.

The tree house that was built in the back corner tree to allow Bailey and Philip to hang out.  

The area where the sandbox was.  

The spot that once was home to our pool that gave us many many days of joy.  Floating, splashing, dogs swimming or floating.  Now, this spot is home to the sunflowers that I plant each year.  They are coming up nicely!

The clothesline that occasionally will get sheets hung on it just so I can experience that smell.

The ceramic sun that hangs on our wooden fence watching over the yard every season, every year.

The two giant trees that provide a LOT of shade to us.

The chicken house we built when we had chickens sits in one corner.  That summer we had chickens, there wasn’t a bug in our yard!!

The concrete porch which is just the right height for us to rest our weary bones after a hard days work in the yard. It was on this porch where I would hold Bailey wrapped in a blanket on a cold winter’s night when he had a particularly bad cough.  It eased the cough somehow.

The memories of when Bailey was a toddler, dragging him around on the lid of a garbage can in the snow.  That was AWESOME!

The tree that held the rope that Bailey would climb constantly.

The swing set that Bailey’s grandpa and Larry built for him which later became useful to hold up one end of our hammock.

The lights we would put on the small pine trees at the back of the yard so I could see them from the kitchen window.

The parties that we have had in our backyard have given our family so much joy and happiness.

Bailey’s birthday parties, family, and friends would come from all over.

The party we threw to celebrate Larry’s 40th birthday and another graduation from ISU with a teaching degree!

Numerous “fire nights” and fall parties, just because I love them so much.  The smell and the warmth of the fire.  There aren’t many things better than sitting around a fire with people you care about talking, eating, drinking.  Just being in that moment is truly wonderful.

I can’t close this thought without mentioning my swing. It is bright yellow and it makes me smile just to look at it.  This is where I go after I mow.  I swing and think about just having made the lawn look nice and the sweat I created and the music I listened to while doing it.  She’s a beauty, my swing!

A butterfly just flew by…awesome.

If you have a backyard and you have the inclination, go out and experience it. You may be surprised at what’s in your own backyard!

Have an exceptional day!!



So important to our lives.

Some friends we greet with a warm hug.

Some will hug you with one arm awkwardly, you know who you are 😊, still, the love is there.

Some may fall into the “acquaintance/friend” category, but it brings you joy to see them every time.

Some leave you a voicemail and you hang onto it just to listen to their voice later.

Some you hear from frequently.

Some, it may be months between emails, notes or texts.

You may be lucky enough to have your best friend in the same town as you.

Whatever your friend situation, be grateful for them!

The universe has a way of putting people in your life just when you need them.

Some stay in your life for a short time, some stay with you forever…or at least in your memory forever.

Think about your friends and reach out and let them know how much they mean to you!!

Have a fantastic weekend!  Stay cool!!


Live Your Life

Yesterday we had my sister Jackie’s Celebration of Life.

The event was nice.  

People came, talked, ate, looked at photos, shared memories.

One of my jobs was to “work the crowd,” greeting people, giving them the lay of the land, photos, food, pointing out my parents, etc.

This job enabled me to meet people and to learn some things about my sister.

People were sincere with their condolences and very grateful that we had the celebration to honor her.

One thing I noticed was that there weren’t many tears.  

There were lots of smiles and I heard a lot of laughter.

To me, that was the best part.  

I think most of the grieving had been done shortly after she passed in March so people were ready to move on.

She lived, she loved, she traveled, she took care of babies and mothers and others, she played games and she collected carousels.

“You have this one life. How do you want to spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don’t see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud.”

Live your life.  Do your best. Be a good human. Make yourself proud.

Have a good day.

Be Better

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

While on Facebook, a couple nights ago, I came across a video with Mike Rowe and his new show, “Returning the Favor.”

This episode was about some firefighters who lost their lives in a fire, I believe it was in Arizona.  One of them had done something wonderful before this incident.  This gentleman had made bracelets for his family and on them, he had written, “Be Better.”

He wanted to Be Better.  A better son, a better husband, a better father.

I started thinking about that and the areas of my life where I could be better.

At home, work, and with my family, friends, and neighbors.

I think this is important.  We are on this earth for such a short time, let’s make the most of our selves and Be Better!

Have a lovely weekend!