Moon shadows

Last night while we were taking out the trash, I was pleasantly surprised to see some moon shadows!
If you are not familiar with moon shadows, it’s simple, they are the same as sun shadows, but you see them on nights when the moon is full or getting full and the skies are clear.
The moon shadows always make me smile because it makes me think of my TV Production college professor Todd and his joke, I’m being followed by a boom shadow…Get it??  
Anyway, it was a nice moment and a nice memory. Thanks, Todd. 
Have a great day and tonight, go outside and look or make your own moon shadows!!

John Denver, Part Deux

I got such a great response to my John Denver Thought yesterday that I had to do a John Denver Thought, Part Deux!
He was cute.
He was kind.
He was talented.
He made beautiful music.
He was funny.
He was an activist.
He wrote wonderful songs…
“The Eagle and the Hawk”
“Rocky Mountain High”
“Annie’s Song”
“Follow Me”
“I’m Sorry”
“How Can I Leave You Again”
The list goes on and on.
If you have time this week, give John’s memory a little of your time.
Listen, really listen to the lyrics, the stories, the melodies and the music of John Denver.
What a gift he was to us.

John Denver

I watched a PBS program about John Denver last night.
I have enjoyed John’s music for as long as I can remember.
His music makes me feel.
“Sunshine on my Shoulders” – well, makes me happy…get what I did there?!
“Poems and Prayers and Promises” – I have to say it now, it’s been a good life all in all…
“Some Days are Diamonds” – Some days are diamonds, some days are stones, Sometimes the hard times won’t leave me alone
“Calypso” – Like the dolphin who guides you, you bring us beside you, to light up the darkness and show us the way
“Looking for Space” – On the road of experience, I’m trying to find my own way
“A Baby Just Like You” – That you may know the warmth of love and wrap it all around you
John Denver was a wonderful songwriter and I thought a really good singer.
I loved it when he would do specials on TV, I recall one where he had this giant dome in the Rockies.  Inside it was springtime and on the outside, it was snowing.  Coolest thing ever.  He did shows with the Muppets and each one was better than the last.  Every year at Christmas, I listen to the Christmas album he did with the Muppets, it brings me joy!
Quite a long thought today, but just another example of how music can have an impact on our lives.
Listen to the radio today!  Or a CD, or a Record or your iPod!!
Sing along!
Car dance!!
It’s all so much fun and can touch your soul!
Have a great day!
By the way…check out John’s groovy shirt in the photo I attached!!!  FAR OUT!!!